So, that's mostly what I remember about Patrick Henry. I must have forgotten much of learning about him in school, but here's the short version: He was a Founding Father, a good orator, and led the push for independence.
He's mostly known for one line, though, that he reportedly used in a speech:
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!"
Anybody a big Patrick Henry fan? Any awesome Patrick Henry memories (you know, like when you and Pat used to play touch football in the backyard together or something)?
Does his head look really tiny compared to the rest of his body?
ReplyDeleteYes...his head is definitely tiny. 'Give me a proportionately sized head, or give me death!'
ReplyDeleteA couple other thoughts: 1) I could totally put your voice over that part of the song. 2) Did your school have a harpsichord to give the proper feel to that song? 3) I love the high definition picture of the Let George Do It! poster on that link. Quality.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't have a harpsichord, nor did we all try to sing all perfect and pretentious like the kids/man on the linked version, by my recollection. I guess we blew it.
ReplyDeletePatrick Henry and I had a spirited debate at Foxhead one time. Kind of a dickefrau.
ReplyDeleteI could see that, Axe. "Give me liberty or give me death"? Seems a bit overly dramatic, no?
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought RICK SHOW had helped me to finally unmask the true identity of Declaration-of-Independence-signer "Pinhead" Henry, Wikipedia tells me that Patrick Henry was actually an ardent opponent of the DoC ... so it couldn't have been him, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI actually sang this part as a solo in my school play. Never forgot the words and googled it for ha has!